Potty Training, Not for The Faint of Heart




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Processed with VSCO with m3 preset


Hi there, welcome back!

  This week has been a true nightmare in the Huish’s house. Can you guess what the topic of this week’s post is? Yep, we are officially potty training Isabel! 

   To be completely honest with you, Greg and I have been trying to potty train Miss Isabel for almost a year already with no luck! She has denied every possible method we have read or thought about. We tried the three days naked method, the pull ups, the M&Ms, singing, dancing, reading, the call grandma and grandpa method and nothing seems to motivate Isabel to use the potty.

   A couple of days ago with our luck, Isa (Isabel, Isabear, Miss Isabel, bel bel) started taking her poopy pull up off and playing with her literally ‘homemade play-doh’.  It was everywhere. Ugh!  I spent at least 5 days cleaning up poopy carpet and disinfecting toys (so much fun, huh?). 

   We are hoping and praying for some progress this week or the next and differently from the last time we tried to potty train her, we are not giving up! Even if I end up having to duct tape her pull up, because….seriously !





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